Sketch 3.4.2
We are thrilled to release 3.4.2 today, which includes performance improvements and bug fixes that you have been waiting for.
We are thrilled to release 3.4.2 today, which includes performance improvements and bug fixes that you have been waiting for. This free update is available for you to download on our website and also on the Mac App Store.
If you need to copy over your Plugins and assets (colours, artboard presets and templates) - see this video for help.
Please note that 3.4.2 files are not backwards compatible with earlier versions - 3.4.1, 3.4 and below.
We understand that 3.4 failed short of meeting our collective expectations and we learned from it. Thank you for your support and collaboration on reporting bugs and helping us improve Sketch. Your help has been tremendously useful and we couldn’t be doing this without you. Thank you for your patience. We continue to work hard to implement improvements and feature requests and strive to release updates frequently. Review the release notes below to see what’s new in 3.4.2.
You may reach out to us with any questions or reports via email at mail@sketch.com. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and provide us with feedback, feature requests or ask for help.
Release Notes
- Added iPad Pro and tvOS Artboard Presets
- Added option to indicate whether the opacity of an image should translate to its fill
- Improves the behavior of the Layer List auto-collapsing after deleting layers
- Updated iOS UI Design Template
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where images with fills would blend unexpectedly
- Fixed a bug where some text layers would display the first line at the wrong position
- Fixed a bug where legacy 9-slice images would not render properly
- Fixed a crash when editing gradient fills on 10.11
- Fixed a rendering bug where layer blend modes in combination with shadows and fills could look differently
- Fixed a possible crash in documents with multiple background blurs
- Fixed a crash when exporting layers at very small sizes
- Fixes a significant memory leak in documents using many Artboards
- Fixes a bug where certain PDFs would not import properly
- Fixes a rare bug where some symbols would fail to sync their changes across
- Fixes a rare bug where edited images could disappear
- Fixes a bug where transparent images could be trimmed on import
- Fixes a bug in scripting which sometimes returned the incorrect document